Author Spotlight— Legend of the Dusk-Berries
Welcome to an unusual post! I’m sharing my short entry for the Fall Frenzy contest with you, called “Legend of the Dusk-berries.” We’ll get back to some reading tips again soon! ;)
For the contest, we’re asked to write a 200 (max) word story inspired by a fall photo they provide. I chose this one below. Over several days of writing down ideas, a courageous village boy and his dog came to life.
A quaint village lies below rolling hills, autumn forests, and snowy, sun-lit mountains. Photo courtesy of Gianluca Grisenti on pexels.
I hope you enjoy my short story/flash-fiction! Writing in 200 words is a great lesson in learning how to string the most fitting words together (like writing poetry). So hard!
If any of you like to write for kids as well, I’d also encourage you to participate in Fall Frenzy! It’s not too late to enter. It’s a special way to connect with an uplifting writing community and read other great stories!
Without further ado, Legend of the Dusk-Berries…
I don’t know why The Cough didn’t catch me. My stallion-fast brothers wheeze in bed beside mama, who weakly squeezes my hand. My throat tightens. No medicine’s helping.
Ruff! Our sheep-dog Ruthie whines at the snowy mountains above our ill village. The legend crosses my mind —
Where sunlight kisses mountaintops, dusk-berries grow luck.
If I picked the berries after sunset, maybe… I glance at my family, then frown at my crooked foot.
Ruthie brings my walking stick.
I laugh, rub her ears. She knows I’d do anything to help.
Up the valley, through the crimson forest, my foot’s on fire. Ruthie nudges me whenever I stop. We drink from rivers. Tip-toe by fresh bear tracks.
Ruthie cough coughs coughs.
“Don’t you dare!” I urge her on.
We limp through snow as sunlight glistens tree tops. Ruthie falls. I pull her up. “Come, girl.”
Cough cough!
When I heave Ruthie over the rocky ridge, she lays still.
“Please! Wake up!”
Sunlight fades below us, and scarlet berries brighten like star-drops.
I shove them up Ruthie’s sloppy tongue. “Wake up!”
She licks her chomps. Jumps and slobbers me.
I laugh, filling my pockets with berries. “These’ll save our whole village!”
Ruthie grins.